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In 1984 my mom wrote a children’s musical entilted “The Lord Shepherd and His Sheep Shed.”  While I don’t remember all that went into making it (I was just 7 at the time) I do know the end result had a profound impact on my life.  Here are 5 life lessons I learned from my mom and her musical.

1. The Lord Is MY Shepherd

He stood on a hill as the sky grew dark behind him.  His voice it rose like the dawn.  And he sang the words that would fight all my battles.  His ways became my ways when he sange me his song.

My older sister, Heidi, sang those words on the recorded album.  Perhaps it’s just me but my eyes are welling up with tears even now as I write the lyrics.  The Shepherd my mom introduced me to is the Shepherd I love today.

The story of the Sheep Shed is based on David’s Shepherd psalm (Ps. 23), Jesus’ parable of the lost sheep (Luke 15:1-7), and His words in John 10.  As a child, the Bible was just words on a page but the Sheep Shed was alive.  It was in it that encountered the Shepherd who takes his sheep out to pasture, calls and counts each by name, and who rescues them from harm.

2. I’m a part of His fold

We are the sheep we are the sheep of the sheep shed.  No wolves are scattering this fold.   For he’s protecting he’s providing and in Him we are confiding.  He’s the Lord and we’re the sheep of the sheep shed.

We are the sheep.”  That’s key.  Through her muscial, my mom taught me that I’m not the only one the Shepherd cares about.  While I may be loved, He’s just as concerned about others.  I may be important but I’m not more important.  The life the Shepherd has called me to is never to be lived alone.

3. Life is found in following Him.

“Follow on.  Follow on to where he leads me.  Everywhere he leads me I will go.”

Life with the Shepherd isn’t fixed.  There are times to go and times to stay.  Knowing when and where to go is simply a matter of following Him.

4.  The grass isn’t greener on the other side.

I want to wander off into the night.  It’s teeling me to come and see the lights.  The stars and moon will shine and I will walk along just free tom my emotions – the ruler of my own destination.

“You’ll be sorry.”  Those words still echo in me.  Willie is a sheep who wants to visit places beyond those the Shepherd provides.  He runs away because he doesn’t trust that the Shepherd has given the best places for him to enjoy.  I’ve sometimes wondered if other places are better than the ones to which He has taken me.  It’s in those times that I’m gently reminded of the warning given to Willie.

5.  If I stray He’ll find and carry me home.

At the end of the play, the Shepherd finds Willie with a broken leg and hunted by a wolf.  The Shepherd shouts and causes the wolf to flee.  Picking the contrite sheep up in His arms, The Shepherd sings him this song.

Of I’ll tell you you’re a young lamb with thickets in your fleece.  You wandered in a different way towards grass you thought was green.  But now you’ve found you’re all alone stuck out in the freezin’ cold.  But I am telling you my lamb.  I want you for My own.  Can’t you see that I love you just be my sheep.  Eat and drink of the good things that I give.  My sheep have not many masters but one, one Shepherd.  Know Me and be My sheep.

Mom, I know the Sheep Shed didn’t become the commerical success you hoped it’d be.  But the song you first heard the Shephed sing, you sang to me.  His ways became my ways as you sang me His song.  And the song goes on.  I’m singing it to your grandchildren now.

If you would llike a free copy of the Lord Shepherd and His Sheep Shed to share with your children please send me an email at